BluWave CRM reseller programme now open for business

Cloud computing is growing at an astonishing rate, with the adoption of these services by SMEs increasing proportionately. Part of this recent growth in interest can be attributed to cloud computing's cost-effectiveness, since application development, maintenance; data storage and IT infrastructure in the cloud are in the hands of the third party service providers. Services are also completely scalable according to an organisation's needs.

With more than 22 years of experience in developing and implementing CRM Solutions, BluWave Software is a leader in its field and the fastest growing locally developed CRM (customer relationship management) system. They provide CRM software as a service using and promoting cloud technology.

Resellers wanted

Translate this fast growing cloud-computing trend and BluWave expertise into a profitable income stream by joining their reseller program. BluWave is looking for IT service providers to connect with to be part of this inevitable move to the cloud. Use the Bluwave CRM Solution to drive the adoption of cloud computing by your customers.

The advantages of joining the BluWave CRM reseller programme are:

For your customers, using BluWave CRM provides the following benefits:

Both reseller and value-added resellers (VARs) programs are available, with BluWave Software offering full sales, implementation and training services to them.

For more information on how to join our reseller program, contact Tania on 011-462-6871, email or visit their website: