Free Technology for Teachers

Free Technology for Teachers is a blog that shares information with teachers about new technology to use in the classroom. Because it is a blog the information is relevant to what’s going on in the world right now. Even if you’re not a teacher it has a wealth of stuff to keep you interested.
Literary Resources|

These are two great resources for notes and essays for scholars and university students to help them prepare for exams and generally understand set work better. Both these sites offer a plethora of information on a wide variety of subject fields.
Top 10 Universities with Free Courses Online

Did you know that universities like UC Berkley and The Michigan Institute of Technology (MIT) have created online open courses? On this site you’ll find links to the online courses of some of the most important Universities. While you won’t get the degree, you can use it to supplement your own studies. Will Hunting would be proud.
TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading

TED Talks consists of some of the best minds of the planet talking about the most mind blowing ideas ever. Well worth your bandwidth. For links to more interesting lectures go here:
Space is Place

If you have to do a school project or are just keen on learning about the eternal vastness of space, point your cursor this way: NASA for Students. A wide variety of material from NASA for students from grade 1 to 12 and beyond.
Hubble Space Telescope Images

Eye popping images and wallpaper for your PC courtesy of the awesome Hubble Space Telescope.
All you need to know on why space is the place. Info on space missions, SETI, Black Holes, and, uhm, worms in space.

From the OpenCulture blog a whole list of places to get excellent free audio books. Enough to make you beg for more bandwidth.

Search the various versions of the Oxford dictionary and other Oxford resources online.
Ever considered studying overseas or just wanted to see how smart you are? The SAT Reasoning Test (formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test) is a standardised test for college admissions in the United States, while the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) test is the most widely accepted English-language test in the world. was created in 1998 and was the very first large-scale question and answer site on the Internet. What makes using AllExperts useful is that the person who you’re asking a question to is an expert in his or her field, so you won’t end up with a rubbish answer (aka Yahoo! Answers). Your questions can be very specific, making AllExperts preferable to trying to hassle your answers through Google.
The Internet Archive
The Internet archive has a massive database of information waiting to be searched, including: over 180 000 videos, 374 000 audio recordings, 1.5 million texts and books and the “Wayback Machine” that allows you to go “back in time on the Net”.
Project Gutenburg
Project Gutenburg is the single largest collection of free electronic books or eBooks in the world. It is entirely run by volunteers, with over 30 000 free eBooks, in a variety of formats available at Gutenburg.