Do you use Twitter mainly to communicate or to source news?

I use Twitter for both. It is a great tool to stay in touch with the latest news, tech stories and also at the same time get a feel of what everyone is talking about plus Twitter is a great tool to send short messages to people directly.

How many tweets per day do you average?

It all depends if I have something of interest to say and if I find something interesting enough to share with the people who follow me. On average I would say I send out about 10 tweets a day, but on a busy day it could be 20.

How long did it take for you to gather your 1800+ ­followers?

I joined Twitter in 2008 but only became really active in 2009, and it has taken me a few months to get to that number.

What app do you use to send tweets from your phone?

I am currently using a Nokia N97 and I use Gravity. There are tons of other Twitter apps depending on the handset you use.

Do you have any tips for people who want to expand their followers?

What you put in is what you get out. So if you are active and share interesting information and thoughts then people will follow you, but if you send out rubbish and use Twitter as IRC tool on steroids and tweet irrelevant stuff, that is when people will stop following you. Add value to your tweets and the ­people will follow you.

How do you think Twitter will eventually make some money?

I think that eventually they will offer different accounts on ­different levels and perhaps one will pay for certain services. I think the core Twitter functionality will always remain free.

Find out more about Aki Anastasiou at the following links:

@akianastasiou on Twitter