Alcatel Onetouch Go Play

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 7 June 2016

Even at R3 500, the Go Play from Alcatel finds itself up against some stiff competition in the entry-level to mid-range smartphone ranks. FULL STORY >


Alcatel Onetouch 2004C

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 15 March 2016

As simple a phone as you can find at the moment, the 2004C from Alcatel OneTouch's is a bit too niche for the mainstream public, but serves its purpose for its intended audience. FULL STORY >


Alcatel Onetouch Pixi 3 (4.5)

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 March 2016

With the entry-level smartphone market as competitive as ever in South Africa, the Alcatel Onetouch Pixi 3 (4.5) is slightly under-specced to be a real contender. FULL STORY >


Alcatel Onetouch Fire E

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 June 2015

One of the first Firefox OS devices to land in SA, Alcatel's Onetouch Fire E delivers all the basics of a smartphone experience in a surprisingly well constructed entry-level offering. FULL STORY >

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