Adapting to the growing BYOD movement
By Staff Writer 17 August 2015The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) trend is rapidly increasing making it necessary for organisations to adapt to this growing movement. FULL STORY >

BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE, but carefully
By Staff Writer 8 April 2014The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon has over the last few years gone from an abstract concept to a conundrum discussed at the highest levels of business. TechSmart Business asked two corporate companies for insight into the trend, and how they... FULL STORY >

HP offers Bring Your Own Device advice
By Ryan Noik 12 June 2013With Bring Your Own Device becoming a hot topic, HP's Lorna Hardie explains how employees could be given the freedom to bring their device of choice to work while security concerns are addressed. FULL STORY >

Bring Your Own Device may become a standard employee requirement
By Ryan Noik 2 May 2013Bring Your Own Device may just be a trend at present, but in a few years time, it could become normal practise by businesses, according to Gartner. FULL STORY >

Gartner outlines Bring Your Own Device pathway
By Ryan Noik 5 December 2012Gartner has addressed three of the major security concerns raised by the Bring Your Own Device trend. FULL STORY >

Bring your own device trend gaining momentum
By Ryan Noik 9 November 2012A report has confirmed that bring your own device BYOD is the biggest trend affecting how businesses operate online. FULL STORY >
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