The Pirate Bay mined cryptocurrency through users’ browsers

By Staff Writer 28 September 2017

Some say cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin could change the way we transact. Sites such as The Pirate Bay and streaming service Showtime are looking at it to pay the bills, but at users’ expense. FULL STORY >


Pirate Bay’s censorship free browser garners 100 000 downloads in four days

By Ryan Noik 14 August 2013

The Pirate Bay’s anti-censorship browser, the PirateBrowser, has garnered a substantial 100 000 downloads in the four days since it set sail. FULL STORY >


Heml.is plans a fully encrypted messaging app

By Ryan Noik 10 July 2013

A crowd-funding drive is underway to develop Heml.is, a messaging app that its founders claim will offer unbreakable levels of privacy. FULL STORY >


Piracy websites attract billions

By Johan Keyter 12 January 2011

Online piracy continues to grow as content sharing websites become more popular. FULL STORY >


Massive European raid on piracy network

By Mike Joubert 8 September 2010

Police in Sweden yesterday raided several locations that contained servers used by, amongst others, filesharing website The Pirate Bay and WikiLeaks. FULL STORY >

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