
CompTIA - Innovations in technology makes security difficult
By Staff Writer 3 May 2012Innovations in technology that make applications, data and networks more accessible and devices more mobile, are also creating new challenges for information technology IT professionals responsible for cyber-security. FULL STORY >

IT - What it means to go green
By Staff Writer 3 February 2012Green IT remains a fuzzy concept for many, with uses of the term and its interpretation varying wildly. FULL STORY >

CompTIA - The cloud becons
By Staff Writer 3 November 2011Beyond the hype, cloud is indeed a strategy that proves beneficial to end-users and profitable for technology solution providers. Cloud-based, business-class solutions are accessible, affordable and available today for businesses of all shapes and sizes. FULL STORY >
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Launch of new consoles, or notebooks (14 votes)
Innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions (28 votes)
Biotechnology or medical advancements (22 votes)
Better business applications (133 votes)