Samsung announces its sustainability vision for mobile
By Staff Writer 13 August 2021Galaxy for the Planet outlines Samsung’s commitment to acting more sustainably across its mobile product lifecycles and business operations. FULL STORY >
Top Google Searches for SA - the past 15 years revealed
By Staff Writer 11 August 2021With Google Trends turning 15, Google today released the most searched topics on the search engine over the past 15 years. FULL STORY >
DCC wins at Lenovo Channel Awards
By Press Release 11 August 2021The distributor was awarded Commercial Distributor of the Year. FULL STORY >
GhostEmperor: Chinese-speaking APT targets high-profile victims using unknown rootkit
By Staff Writer 10 August 2021While it might sound like a video game character, GhostEmperor is anything but playful, with Kaspersky shining a light on the latest Advanced Persistent Threat to haunt users. FULL STORY >
BT: Here's how to manage a breach
By Industry Contributor 10 August 2021Nasser Bostan, Head of Security Sales, Middle East and Africa, BT, shares BT’s insights gleaned from the SolarWinds incident, and recommendations for organisations to step up their cybersecurity strategies. FULL STORY >
Telemedicine: The health revolution we have been waiting for?
By Ryan Noik 6 August 2021Telemedicine and diabetes treatment in the the era of a debilitating pandemic came under the spotlight recently, bringing hope for better treatments of a formidable disease. FULL STORY >
Building back better: how business leaders can create a more inclusive world post-pandemic
By Industry Contributor 6 August 2021Citrix's Michelle Senecal de Fonseca discusses the critical topic of a post-pandemic world, and lays out practical steps that businesses need to consider as they plan to rebound from this global health... FULL STORY >
Accenture Cloud Week - First Steps in Cloud Adoption
By Staff Writer 6 August 2021One of the highlights from this week's Accenture Cloud Week was an illuminating discussion between Vukani Mngxati, CEO of Accenture in Africa and Deon Geyser, CEO of Liquid Intelligent Technologies South Africa. FULL STORY >
Huawei celebrates top South African ICT Academy institutions and instructors
By Staff Writer 6 August 2021Huawei South Africa has held a Huawei ICT Academy Awards Ceremony, celebrating some of the milestones achieved through the Huawei ICT Academy programme. FULL STORY >
No Doge-ing the tax bill on cryptocurrency transactions
By Industry Contributor 5 August 2021SARS is tightening tax collection on cryptocurrency transactions, which makes it important to distinguish between events that will trigger income tax rates or CGT rates. FULL STORY >
Industry, get ready for a new wave of disruption
By Industry Contributor 4 August 2021By Jacques du Toit, CEO at Vox FULL STORY >
Industry Insight: A reactive approach could leave your data wide open to vulnerabilities
By Industry Contributor 2 August 2021A reactive approach to the Protection of Personal Information Act of ‘doing something has to be better than nothing’ could leave businesses in a worse predicament than when they started, argues Galix MD... FULL STORY >
Kaspersky: Less DDoS attacks and small geographic shifts in Q2 2021
By Staff Writer 2 August 2021Here is some good news on the cyberthreat landscape - in the second quarter of 2021, the total number of DDoS attacks decreased by 38.8% compared to Q2 2020, according to Kaspersky. FULL STORY >
Ready, set, scam: Top-5 schemes cybercriminals are running amid the Olympic Games
By Staff Writer 28 July 2021With the Olympic Games underway, cybercriminals are going for gold in a different sense - by instigating various online fraud schemes. FULL STORY >
Why an Acer Chromebook is perfect for your kids
By Press Release 28 July 2021With kids in and out of school over the last 18 months, parents all over South Africa have been doing what they can to cope and find ways to make the disruptions a little easier. FULL STORY >
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