Vodacom announces R5 million Gender-Based Violence Fund to further support survivors

By Staff Writer 27 August 2020

The recent Vodacom FaceBook Live event aimed to shed light on the impact of gender based violence (GBV) and how to overcome it, emphasizing finding lasting solutions to the scourge of gender violence. FULL STORY >


Vodacom: Men need to be the champions in the fight against women abuse and femicide

By Staff Writer 7 July 2020

Vodacom has launched a campaign called Be the light to call everyone’s attention to the scourge of gender violence. FULL STORY >


Making a difference matters - Human potential, with technology, can unlock greatness

By Industry Contributor 7 July 2020

As transformative as technology can be, it is ultimately people that are the true source of real value and meaningful change, says Natasha Reuben, Head of Transformation at Dell Technologies South Africa. FULL STORY >


Vodacom unveils new policy to support victims of domestic violence

By Ryan Noik 11 March 2019

With Women’s Day taking place on Friday, the latest announcement from Vodacom is particularly timely, as the company has unveiled a new global policy that addresses gender based domestic violence and abuse. FULL STORY >


Microsoft announces initiative to crowdsource AI ideas

By Ryan Noik 25 January 2019

Microsoft’s latest effort to bolster artificial intelligence is a Make Your Wish initiative, which invites people to submit their hopes for how AI might improve their lives. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Hackathon puts using AI for good into practise

By Ryan Noik 18 December 2018

Microsoft rounded off the year by holding a two day hackathon at its offices in Bryanston, showing how artificial intelligence be used in apps to address social issues. FULL STORY >


Dell aims to reduce plastic scourge

By Staff Writer 28 February 2017

Dell has stepped up its efforts to combat the plastic scourge which plagues the ocean, announcing the technology industry’s first shipment of ocean plastics packaging. FULL STORY >

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