By 21 July 2016 | Categories: Misc



Some experts call biometrics the answer to identity theft. Biometric verification is a process of identity authentication that is used to confirm identity through uniquely detectable biological traits and may be an effective tool in the war on crime.

With the drastic rise of identity theft, it has become more difficult to prevent unauthorised access to information resources and installations. Methods of positively verifying and authenticating people may mitigate the current identity theft crisis. However, to combat this ever growing threat, Ideco is launching its new all-in-one mobile biometrics unit in South Africa. The Biometric Identity Management System (BIMS) enables biometric identification across a range of modalities, from fingerprint through to iris scanning.

BIMS is highly mobile, readily configurable and can be rolled out rapidly in any environment requiring agile identification and processing of crowds. It is capable of six biometric modalities and delivers a full range of connectivity options including Bluetooth, WiFi, GSM, GPS, LAN and Cloud. It is encapsulated in a device the size of a ruggedised laptop.

Ideco CEO Marius Coetzee says most biometric systems on the market today only offer single factor authentication. “Until now, no one could deliver six modalities in a single portable device, which can be used in any configuration for multiple levels of identification, as well as integrating into existing enterprise systems quickly and easily.”

Although technology has been a scapegoat for many identity thefts, in many ways technology has provided some of the most solid defenses against the rising tide of identity theft. Fingerprints and facial recognition are becoming the new tools for banks and retailers to fight credit-card fraud.

Coetzee says there was a need for an eminently configurable, mobile advanced biometrics identification unit. “BIMS is unlike any other solution currently on the market for biometric user identification and access control. It enables agile, rapid roll-out of advanced biometrics-based solution; and has relevance for both the public and private sector across any number of verticals.”

Multi-functional and uniquely configurable, the unit has been designed to the world’s most stringent hardware and software security standards, and harnesses intelligent power management for prolonged battery life of up to 12 hours. BIMS’ mobile and uniquely configurable abilities facilitate both identity enrolment and identity validation efficiently, securely and authentically at any place, any time. With the intelligent use of APIs, the solution can be integrated with any backend system. This is a world first multi-modal, multi-functional, uniquely configurable mobile identity management solution.

For more information contact Ideco on 086 104 3326 (IDECO) or visit



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