If you’re ready to strap up and get high in a cockpit then keep reading because you’re in for a treat!
HAWX is a flight sim that drops you in the driving seat of the world’s most accurately modelled aeronautical marvels as you rage through the air in a beautifully rendered world. It’s all for a good reason and the story, which follows the events of the Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter games, is presented in the single player campaign via radio communication, on-screen videos and cut scenes. It has all the usual Tom Clancy flair, which is to say that it’s rather inconsequential and only really acts as an introduction to missions where you are pitted against swarms of ‘Freedom Haters’ and proceed to annihilate them with your superior fire power. And I have to tell you, it’s a whole lot of fun!
You see, although the game is touted as a flight simulator, it’s really more of an arcade-style shooter that looks really, really good and honestly that’s what you want from a console game because if you’re heavy into ‘as real as it gets simulators’ you’d have a captain’s chair set up in your den with joysticks and air hostesses included.
The action is never ending and heart pounding, the gameplay is easy to pick up, the enemies never stop coming and there’s multiplayer, what else could a would-be dog fighter ask for? It’s the most fun I’ve seen in the skies since Con Air and I couldn’t put down from start to finish.
R699 from Games Xetra on 011-768-2255.