By Robin-Leigh Chetty 30 June 2015


Much like a Swiss Army knife, the new Xperia M4 Aqua from Sony proves useful in a variety of scenarios, all while ticking the boxes needed for a mid-range smartphone.
Well Built; Great Camera; Solid price point; Strong battery life
Heats up while multitasking; Display a tad dull on automatic brightness
While a flagship smartphone might carry a bit more clout in a game of Top Trumps, a device like the M4 Aqua is nothing to be scoffed at, particularly as it retails for an estimated R4 000. Its ability to take care of the smartphone basics, as well as the inclusion of an enviable camera and battery life, make it one of the true standout smartphones for 2015 in the mid-range market. As such, the M4 Aqua seems the kind of smartphone that a discerning Android user would carry, and probably should.

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