The right (Multi)Tool for the job
By Ryan Noik 14 February 2014 | Categories: feature articles
Some of the most useful gadgets can be imminently useful in a variety of scenarios, but for the ultimate convenience, a multi-tool is a must have. Question is, which one should you get?
Handy around the house: Victorinox SwissTool Spirit II
R1 470
If your aim is to have a handy tool for just about any electrical work around the house (amongst other uses) then we would recommend Victorinox’s SwissTool Spirit. Essentially a really good, collapsible pair of pliers, with other tools, that fold into the hilt, this one makes as short work of wiring up your sound system as it does fixing that errant cupboard door. Neat, compact and accompanied by a leather pouch, this multi-tool boasts a myriad of screwdrivers (flat and Philips head), a can opener, blade and saw (no, it won’t cut down a tree, but then you shouldn’t be attempting to deforest your yard anyway).
Surviving outdoors: Gerber Bear Grylls’ Ultimate Multi-tool
If you are more of an action man, and anticipate having to build yourself a shelter or make a fire from scratch, then Bear Grylls’ Ultimate Multi-tool could lay claim to a place on your hip or in your pack. The multitool has some jungle-cred, as it is endorsed by the well known extreme survival adventurer himself. More importantly though, its featured tools and rubberized grip are up to surviving the travails of torrential rain and sweaty palms alike. Two knives (one serrated and one fine edged) are joined by a bottle opener, can opener, saw and screwdrivers, as well as pliers and wire cutters.
Everything but the kitchen sink: Leatherman Charge TTi
R2 400
Outdoors one day, indoors the next – if that describes your lifestyle, then the Leatherman Charge TTi could be the multitool to grasp, spear or grip your approval. The gadget has all of nineteen different tools – including a regular and needlenose pliers, two types of wire cutters, several screwdrivers, scissors and ruler. In fact, there might even be a faucet in there somewhere. Best of all is the whopping 25 year warranty that is tucked into the folds and creases of its steel body. Consisting of stainless steel, hard anodized aluminum and titanium, we suspect this could even crack open Iron Man for a final reckoning with Tony Stark.
So, which is best?
Our advice though, is to bear in mind that with multi-tools, as with life, quality is king and a gadget of value is always worth paying a little more. On a budget? Go for the Gerber. If you are willing to spend a bit more, then we recommend Victorinox’s offering and if money is no object, then Leatherman’s monster is your man.
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