Innovation Series: Making Innovation Investment Count

By Staff Writer 23 June 2015

Innovation in the organisational environment will only be sustainable if it is focused on a systematic, result driven approach. Innocentrix looks at factors that can contribute to innovation longevity and better innovation results. FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: Navigating your Business Ecosystem

By Staff Writer 18 June 2015

Eric van Niekerk of Innocentrix looks at the importance of the business ecosystem, and how the possibility of collaboration can easily lead to growth. FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: The power of technology and its importance in making innovation happen

By Staff Writer 16 June 2015

Eric van Niekerk of Innocentrix looks at how having the right software tool can greatly accelerate companies' innovation results. FULL STORY >


Innovation Series: Investigating SA’s Innovation Landscape

By Staff Writer 10 June 2015

In the first article of an ongoing series on Innovation, brought to you by Innocentrix, we take a look at the South African landscape and how local companies rate when it comes to innovation. FULL STORY >

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