Study - South Africans increasingly changing attitudes of social media in favour of balanced wellness

By Staff Writer 12 October 2021

In some unexpected but welcome news, cybersecurity company Kaspersky today announced that it has launched a meditation course to help promote digital wellbeing. FULL STORY >


New service delivers first-hand cyberthreat insights on request

By Staff Writer 11 October 2021

A new service launched by Kaspersky enables businesses to bring the cybersecurity company's researchers into their security team. FULL STORY >


FinFisher spyware improves its arsenal with four levels of obfuscation, UEFI infection and more

By Staff Writer 29 September 2021

Kaspersky researchers have revealed some interesting news about the updates introduced into one of the most difficult to detect pieces of spyware for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and its installers. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky calls for digital inclusion on International Day for Universal Access to Information

By Staff Writer 28 September 2021

Here is why today, of all days, is a good one to bring the need for digital inclusion into the spotlight again. FULL STORY >


Måneskin and Simple Dimple – what kids are most interested in online

By Staff Writer 22 September 2021

A new Kaspersky Safe Kids research has revealed the online content that children were most interested in during the 2021 European Summer. FULL STORY >


Privacy risks of online dating laid bare

By Staff Writer 15 September 2021

Online dating can be difficult enough, but in 2021, it is fraught with more risk, as a new report revealed that every 5th user surveyed in South Africa has been doxed while looking for a relationship. FULL STORY >


Phishing attacks on the decline but spam email is still a threat

By Staff Writer 14 September 2021

While phishing attacks have been waning in Africa, spam email is still going strong, according to the latest reports. FULL STORY >


50% of SMB leaders in South Africa chose to keep people working at any cost amid the pandemic

By Staff Writer 9 September 2021

A recent Kaspersky survey on the challenges facing small and medium businesses (SMBs) at the beginning of the pandemic reveals preserving jobs was a top priority for half (50%) of the South African... FULL STORY >


Kaspersky identifies the platforms and services that users have the most privacy concerns about

By Staff Writer 31 August 2021

A recent analysis by Kaspersky revealed which platforms pass, and which fail, in their users' eyes with regards to protecting their privacy. FULL STORY >


GhostEmperor: Chinese-speaking APT targets high-profile victims using unknown rootkit

By Staff Writer 10 August 2021

While it might sound like a video game character, GhostEmperor is anything but playful, with Kaspersky shining a light on the latest Advanced Persistent Threat to haunt users. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky: Less DDoS attacks and small geographic shifts in Q2 2021

By Staff Writer 2 August 2021

Here is some good news on the cyberthreat landscape - in the second quarter of 2021, the total number of DDoS attacks decreased by 38.8% compared to Q2 2020, according to Kaspersky. FULL STORY >


Ready, set, scam: Top-5 schemes cybercriminals are running amid the Olympic Games

By Staff Writer 28 July 2021

With the Olympic Games underway, cybercriminals are going for gold in a different sense - by instigating various online fraud schemes. FULL STORY >


Malware spread under the guise of the new version of the most popular operating system

By Staff Writer 27 July 2021

Even if you are ready to update to Windows 11, you may want to check the validity of your file, as Kaspersky has warned that ever opportunistic cybercriminals using the newest OS to distribute malware. FULL STORY >


Love is safety: 29% of South Africans surveyed would only date someone who is vaccinated

By Staff Writer 14 July 2021

A new global survey, commissioned by Kaspersky, explores the role of dating apps and the current state of technology and relationships in lieu of the pandemic. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky: These are the messenger apps with the most phishing

By Staff Writer 13 July 2021

Newly released data from Kaspersky has shown the prevalence of phishing on messenger apps - and which ones are being the hardest hit. FULL STORY >

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