Opinion - Human 2.0: Is it time for the Three Laws?

By Press Release 21 July 2017

As tantalizing as fantastical developments like artificial intelligence and virtual reality are, the question as to whether society is moving too fast to keep up ethically arises. The head of NMPi Labs gives his perspective. FULL STORY >


Digital Workplace transformation being accelerated by AI and analytics

By Staff Writer 21 July 2017

New research which examined how organisations are evolving from a traditional office environment to a digital workplace reveals that gaining competitive advantage and improving business process are among the top goals of... FULL STORY >


Google Photos gets updated with AI-enabled photo sharing

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 June 2017

More upgrades come to Google's services this week, with Photos receiving AI-enabled sharing support. FULL STORY >


Google's AlphaGo AI beats world's best Go player

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 23 May 2017

The first in a best of three match, Google's AI-infused AlphaGo beats a 19 year old Chinese prodigy. FULL STORY >


Google’s Cloud TPU set to massively boost Machine Learning

By Staff Writer 18 May 2017

Buckle up, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) game just received a major leg-up. At yesterday’s Google I/O conference, Google CEO Sundar Pichai noted a few new developments regarding the company’s involvement in AI. FULL STORY >


Why artificial intelligence is the future of growth

By Staff Writer 25 April 2017

By Willie Schoeman, Managing Director at Accenture Technology FULL STORY >


Elon Musk's latest company is called Neuralink

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 28 March 2017

And it wants to put software in your brain. FULL STORY >


2017 - the arrival of AI and IM in the contact centre

By Press Release 9 February 2017

Artificial intelligence (AI) and Instant Messaging (IM) are poised to fundamentally change the service call experience says Nicholas O'Connor, strategic business development consultant at hi.guru. FULL STORY >


Accenture Technology Vision 2017 forecasts a people-centric tech future

By Ryan Noik 31 January 2017

Accenture opened an alluring window to the future, delving into what it considers will be the major disruptors influencing businesses in the next three years. FULL STORY >


AI wins first major Poker Tournament against humans

By Staff Writer 31 January 2017

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gunning for your chips, and it will most certainly get it. That’s if the recent poker tournament between four of the world’s top players and Libratus, an AI computer program developed by Carnegie Mellon... FULL STORY >


AI better than doctors at predicting when hearts will fail

By Staff Writer 17 January 2017

As we’re starting to find out, computers are better than us at a number of things, and this now includes detecting when your heart will fail. FULL STORY >


Nvidia and Audi partnering to build an AI car by 2020

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 5 January 2017

Delving deeper into AI for cars, Nvidia announced plans to partner with carmaker Audi to build a road-going vehicle by 2020. FULL STORY >


Mastercard rolls out Artificial Intelligence across its global network

By Press Release 2 December 2016

Decision Intelligence leverages machine learning technology to increase approvals for genuine transactions and deliver overall better consumer shopping experience. FULL STORY >


Accelerating innovation and powering new experiences with AI

By Press Release 9 November 2016

Facebook's long-term roadmap is focused on building foundational technologies in three areas: connectivity, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. We believe that major research and engineering breakthroughs in each of these... FULL STORY >


How intelligent is artificial intelligence going to get?

By Press Release 20 October 2016

Imagine a Personal Assistant Bot, a machine or application that you could ask to organise a meeting or arrange bookings just as you would a live, human assistant. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes more prevalent and approaches... FULL STORY >

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