By 23 May 2017 | Categories: news


It appears as of Google's AlphaGo Artificial Intelligence (AI) system will not be content until it has beaten all the best Go players in the world. Its latest conquest was 19 year old Chinese prodigy Ke Jie, who also happens to the number one ranked Go player in the world. 

The two squared off in the first of a best of three series earlier today, with the AI system taking the win. Je will once again take on the Google DeepMind developed AI later this week (25 May), at the Future of Go Summit, held in Wuzhen, China. 

The final match will be happening the following day on 26 May, but whether or not it will be a deciding game is probably unlikely, given that AlphaGo has racked up a 60 game winning streak during a series of online matches.

We're not discrediting Ke's skill at Go, but the odds aren't stacked in his favour. That said, match commentator Michael Redmond did note that Ke seems to be learning from Alpha's unique tactics while playing. 

You can watch the matches live on Future of Go's website, but be warned that these things can last a long time, with the first game taking more than six hours to conclude.   


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