Strategy Analytics - Global console sales to shrink in 2013
By Hanleigh Daniels 12 June 2013Strategy Analytics asserts that the console market worldwide will decrease this year ahead of the launch of the Xbox One and PS4. FULL STORY >
Sony showcases PS4 at E3
By Ryan Noik 11 June 2013Sony took to the stage at E3 to showcase its imminent PS4, and clarified its approach to DRM and sharing. FULL STORY >
Xbox One exclusives tempt at E3
By Ryan Noik 11 June 2013Microsoft's keynote address highlighted a number of exclusives making a solid and persuasive argument for gamers to consider buying an Xbox One when it arrives later this year. FULL STORY >
Microsoft explains Xbox One DRM and functionality
By Ryan Noik 10 June 2013Microsoft has provided a bit more detail on its imminent Xbox One, explaining some of the more controversial aspects of the console. FULL STORY >
More details around the Xbox One spark controversy
By Ryan Noik 28 May 2013New details are beginning to emerge about the Xbox One's limitations, amongst them the fact that the console will be completely region locked. FULL STORY >
Gaming News Round-up - The Destiny Waits edition
By Ryan Noik 24 May 2013This week in the Gaming News Round-up: Alan Wake 2's future is disclosed, Dying Light is revealed and the trailer for Destiny is unveiled. FULL STORY >
Quick review - Star Trek
By Hanleigh Daniels 22 May 2013TechSmart boldly goes where few men have gone before - the virtual universe of the Star Trek video game - to find out if its worth your hard-earned money. FULL STORY >
Microsoft reveals the Xbox One
By Ryan Noik 22 May 2013Microsoft has lifted the lid on its next Xbox, named the Xbox One. FULL STORY >
No always-on net for next Xbox
By Ryan Noik 8 May 2013Microsoft's next Xbox may in fact not require a constant connection to the internet to work, according to an internal memo. FULL STORY >
Sega and Gearbox Software being sued
By Ryan Noik 6 May 2013Sega and Gearbox Software are being sued by angry customers, who claim they were lied to about the final product. FULL STORY >
FIFA 14 dribbles onto the development pitch
By Hanleigh Daniels 18 April 2013EA reveals a few details surrounding its game plan for the latest title in the popular FIFA franchise. FULL STORY >
The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct
By Hanleigh Daniels 15 April 2013A worthy complement to the TV series, or feeble attempt to cash in? The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct unfortunately stumbles towards the latter. FULL STORY >
Gaming News Round-up - Release the Batman Edition
By Mike Joubert 12 April 2013In this weeks gaming news: A new Batman Arkham coming; Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon is for real; and Dishonored DLC explores another assassin's story. FULL STORY >
Quick review - Crysis 3
By Hanleigh Daniels 26 March 2013We don the famous nanosuit one more time and equip the new composite bow and arrows to hunt down all manner of alien ceph and C.E.L.L. opposition within Crysis 3. FULL STORY >
Gaming News Round-up - SimCity free game edition
By Ryan Noik 22 March 2013This week in the Gaming News Round-up: the SimCity launch folly leads to a gaming freeby for buyers, and two more DC villains joins the Injustice fighter roster. FULL STORY >
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