Anti-social media - Deep Fried Man

By Staff Writer 10 July 2014

Log off and have an actual conversation before you become a social media slave, writes Deep Fried Man. FULL STORY >


Expectation is the Mother of Disappointment

By Staff Writer 10 July 2014

Pippa is disappointed in often being disappointed instead of forgiving. FULL STORY >


What’s in store on the E3 floor?

By Staff Writer 6 June 2014

Pippa will be following this year’s E3 gaming expo closely, but from the comfort of her desk. FULL STORY >


Are you a headphoney? - Deep Fried Man

By Staff Writer 6 June 2014

Deep Fried Man wonders what kind of magic sound surgery Dr Dre performed in order to make his headphones worth $3.2 Billion. FULL STORY >


Introducing the tech hipster - Deep Fried Man

By Staff Writer 6 May 2014

Deep Fried Man believes he was a tech hipster before tech hipsters WERE even a thing. FULL STORY >


Dude, Where’s My PRIVACY? - Deep Fried Man

By Staff Writer 9 April 2014

In these information rich times, Deep Fried Man believes being average is the easiest way to protect your privacy. FULL STORY >


WhatsApp, Doc? - Deep Fried Man

By Staff Writer 11 March 2014

Deep Fried Man reflects on Facebook's decision to pay $19 billion for an app that cost him $1, FULL STORY >

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