Kaspersky Lab launches One dollar lesson to educate users on banking cybercrime

By Staff Writer 14 May 2015

In an effort to make the very real threats of banking cybercrime easier to understand, Kaspersky Lab has launched its One dollar lesson modules for online users. FULL STORY >


Ransomware: Don’t pay the cybercriminals says ESET

By Staff Writer 13 May 2015

ESET offers tips on how you can keep your computer protected and avoid supporting cybercrime activities. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab shines light on recently discovered CozyDuke threat

By Staff Writer 12 May 2015

After uncovering the now-named CozyDuke threat in April this year, Kaspersky Lab offers a bit more insight into how this "Office Monkey" threat can be mitigated. FULL STORY >


Protecting the enterprise from evolving cybercrime attacks

By Staff Writer 13 April 2015

High profile cyber-attacks on blue-chip global companies have sent shockwaves around the technology industry. FULL STORY >


The end of the Silk Road

By Ryan Noik 7 November 2013

The internet has undeniably brought massive changes and many benefits, but it also has its sordid and dark side. Just one such example is the recent demise of the Silk Road. FULL STORY >


Cyberattackers access 2.9 million Adobe users’ details

By Ryan Noik 7 October 2013

Adobe has fallen foul of a cyberattack – and the disturbing news is that some 2.9 million Adobe customers’ accounts have been compromised. FULL STORY >


Three most eyebrow raising cybercrimes in South Africa

By Ryan Noik 23 September 2013

We’ve been hearing for quite some time about the very real threat of cybercrime globally, and South Africa is certainly not exempt from this threat.Here are just three cybercrimes that typify how pervasive the issue is. FULL STORY >


Keeping you, and your car, safe

By Hanleigh Daniels 23 September 2013

Carjacking remains a far too common crime on local roads. We look at some of the technology available to car owners to help with vehicle recovery and theft deterrent. FULL STORY >


MTN - Arrest made in R5 million airtime voucher theft case

By Staff Writer 30 May 2013

MTN reveals that a suspect has been arrested in a case of theft involving R5 million worth of airtime. FULL STORY >


Most SA mobile devices unlocked and unprotected, reveals Norton

By Ryan Noik 4 April 2013

According to a new study by Norton, South African mobile users are leaving themselves wide open to cybercrime by failing to secure their mobile device. FULL STORY >


Shocking 2012 Norton Cybercrime report released

By Ryan Noik 25 October 2012

The latest 2012 Norton Cybercrime report, which is one of the largest cybercrime studies in the world, has been released, exposing some dramatic, and disturbing findings. FULL STORY >


HP study quantifies cybercrime

By Ryan Noik 9 October 2012

According to a recent study commissioned by HP, both the associated costs and the frequency of cybercrime have continued to rise. FULL STORY >


The Flame infrastructure highly sophisticated

By Staff Writer 5 June 2012

Kaspersky Lab manages to sinkhole The Flame's C&C infrastructure, bringing forth interesting analysis. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky Lab and ITU research reveal advanced new cyber threat

By Hanleigh Daniels 29 May 2012

Kaspersky Lab reveals details concerning the discovery of a highly advanced new cyber threat. FULL STORY >


Norton Online Family Report

By Staff Writer 12 January 2012

The latest edition of the Norton Online Family Report sheds new light on the risks of growing up in the digital age. FULL STORY >

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