Gartner identifies three megatrends driving business into the next decade
By Staff Writer 18 August 2017Gartner’s latest report, "Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, 2017" reveal three distinct megatrends that will enable businesses to survive and thrive in the digital economy over the next five to 10 years. FULL STORY >

The power of Digital will dissolve traditional business borders
By Press Release 31 July 2017According to Pierre Aurel, Special Projects manager at e4, the power of digital is now being harnessed to dissolve traditional bureaucratic barriers and usher in a new era of truly global and borderless business independent of... FULL STORY >

Atmosphere Orange says Brand Industry in urgent need of expertise, lacks programmatic savvy
By Staff Writer 1 July 2015According to Chanel MacKay, new Media Director at Cape Town-based digital agency Atmosphere Orange, brands require greater programmatic savvy to thrive in digital age. FULL STORY >
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Innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions (28 votes)
Biotechnology or medical advancements (22 votes)
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