Africa’s challenger banks set to surge ahead

By Press Release 6 August 2018

The ability of challenger banks in Africa to leapfrog through technology, unencumbered by legacy systems, will cause a banking revolution on the continent, according to Andries Brink, CEO of Andile Group Holdings. FULL STORY >


Blockchain technology opens new doors for all industries

By Opinion 11 May 2018

The introduction of blockchain technology has the world as we know it shifting at a rapid pace, according to Jaco Rossouw, CEO of SportsPodium. FULL STORY >


Opinion - Paving the way for greater women involvement in financial services and other industries

By Opinion 16 April 2018

There is still some work to be done to get more girls interested in pursuing careers in the technology field and to enable women to climb the ladder into leadership positions. Maubate Kekana, Head... FULL STORY >


5 disruptive trends expected to shape the African FinTech landscape in 2018

By Opinion 7 March 2018

Pieter Zylstra, regional director for Digital Transformation, Middle East and Africa, Orange Business Services, looks at 5 disruptive trends expected to shape Africa’s fintech industry in the coming months of 2018. FULL STORY >


Interview with Ruckus Part 2: The key is connectivity

By Ryan Noik 26 January 2018

In part 2 of an indepth interview with Ruckus on digital transformation, Nick Watson, the vice president of EMEA unpacks the state of connectivity in South Africa, what needs to be done, and the top trend for the year ahead. FULL STORY >


Interview with Ruckus Part 1: A Transforming World

By Ryan Noik 26 January 2018

TechSmart’s senior journalist Ryan Noik (RN) had the opportunity to delve into the current economic and technological shift that digital transformation has caused, in an indepth and enlightening interview with Nick Watson (NW), the vice... FULL STORY >


Opinion - The evolution of IoT and the disruptive opportunities that lie ahead

By Opinion 1 December 2017

How is the Internet of Things (IoT) set to disrupt the world around us and enhance our lives? Deon Liebenberg, Managing Executive: Internet of Things, Vodacom, offers his perspective. FULL STORY >


Dimension Data reveals key technologies reshaping businesses in 2018

By Press Release 3 November 2017

Amid Dimension Data's release of the top IT predictions for the forthcoming year, it is Blockchain that is considered the disruptor to watch out for. FULL STORY >


SMEs: Avoiding the way of the digital dodo

By Opinion 3 November 2017

Tracy Bolton, director of General Business at SAP Africa, outlines why SMEs need to adapt to disruption or face possible extinction. FULL STORY >


Are we Agile or are we Fragile

By Press Release 13 October 2017

Biase De Gregorio, head of Agility at IQbusiness, says changing mindsets still remains a major challenge for successful implementation of agile processes within the business environment. FULL STORY >


Digital supply network gives a disruptive spin for businesses

By Press Release 22 September 2017

Deloitte’s annual Chief Procurement Officer Survey released in April showed how South Africa’s political instability and economic uncertainty required a new work stream to alleviate systemic pressures in driving cost containment... FULL STORY >


KPMG: Setting course in a disrupted marketplace

By Press Release 20 April 2017

There will be winners and losers in the digitally-enabled bank of the future. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Forum Part 2: Six rules for dealing with disruption

By Ryan Noik 14 March 2017

Nigel Moulton’s speech on the six rules of disruption at the DellEMC Forum, proved to be a must-listen, for any industry dealing with the changeable nature of our times. FULL STORY >


Dell EMC Forum Part 1: The Necessity of Transformation

By Ryan Noik 14 March 2017

The Dell EMC Forum event, which took place in Sandton, was in many ways a call to action, revolving around the main theme of transformation. FULL STORY >


Expect to be disrupted: A smart approach to investing in innovation

By Press Release 22 February 2017

That innovation is important and necessary for survival goes without saying. While there is no universal solution for organisations looking to improve their ability to generate, develop, and disseminate new ideas, some... FULL STORY >

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