Cybercriminals introducing new threats and tactics - McAfee Enterprise Advanced Threat Research Report

By Staff Writer 5 October 2021

“Ransomware has evolved far beyond its origins, and cybercriminals have become smarter and quicker to pivot their tactics alongside a whole host of new bad-actor schemes" FULL STORY >


Herbert Smith Freehills launches free 1000-student online digital law course

By Press Release 5 October 2021

Herbert Smith Freehills has launched a free online digital law course to give up to 1000 students an inside look into how technology is transforming the role of lawyers. FULL STORY >


Up to 30% of the future workforce anticipated to be independent contractors

By Industry Contributor 1 October 2021

The move away from permanent employment will suit smart workers and agile companies alike, according to Johann van Niekerk, Managing Director, Outsized, South Africa FULL STORY >


Seven tech companies to be showcased to potential investors at Singularity summit

By Staff Writer 29 September 2021

The upcoming annual SingularityU Online Summit will be providing a platform for seven local tech start-ups to access global investors and potentially take their innovations to the next level. FULL STORY >


Onwards, towards a cashless future

By Staff Writer 29 September 2021

New digital payment trends are ushering in the dawn of a cashless future – and a more inclusive financial landscape. FULL STORY >


Inspiring South Africans celebrated in new photography book

By Staff Writer 28 September 2021

At a time when South Africans need optimism about the future more than anything, a new collection of visual art celebrating our culture of greatness is providing exactly that – with an augmented reality twist – and for a worthy... FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Getting smart about technology: Driving jobs in South Africa

By Industry Contributor 28 September 2021

Greg Newton, South Africa country manager at Blue Prism, explains how organisations can drive jobs in South Africa with technology. FULL STORY >


New Puma shoebox design set to save 2800 tonnes of cardboard

By Staff Writer 20 September 2021

Puma has introduced a new shoebox design which it notes will save 2800 tonnes of cardboard every year. FULL STORY >


SingularityU South Africa announces Learning Journeys at upcoming future-focused summit

By Staff Writer 15 September 2021

Ahead of the much anticipated SingularityU South Africa Summit 2021, the organisation has announced the launch of learning journeys for this year’s event. FULL STORY >


F5 doubles down on commitment to Open Source

By Staff Writer 15 September 2021

F5 has announced several new developments that underscore its support for customers managing the accelerating pace of digital transformation and the critical role of open source technology in driving modern digital experiences. FULL STORY >


Innovation Summit 2021 sets the stage for tech entrepreneurs to thrive

By Press Release 15 September 2021

The 2021 Innovation Summit is the biggest startup event of its kind in Africa. FULL STORY >


Five top tips for small businesses to emerge resilient from the pandemic

By Industry Contributor 15 September 2021

By Jim Magats, senior vice president of Omni Payments at PayPal. FULL STORY >


Industry Insight - Compliance and Complexity: Data Privacy in the Contact Centre

By Staff Writer 14 September 2021

Contact centres need to build POPIA into their core foundation in order to remain secure, compliant and ensure longevity. Francois du Plessis, CEO of Callbi Speech Analytics explains. FULL STORY >


LG challenges locals to showcase their fire dance moves on TikTok

By Press Release 13 September 2021

Global electronics leader LG Electronics (LG) has joined forces with Ubisoft’s Just Dance to launch its Paca Dance Challenge across Africa for a dance party that everyone can be part of. FULL STORY >


Managed services are the ideal solution to SME’s remote working challenges

By Industry Contributor 13 September 2021

By Raeford Liebenberg, Manager at Silvermoon, a Galix company FULL STORY >

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