Wileyfox Swift

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 8 April 2016

With a sea of solid mid-range smartphones ready for the choosing, finding one that stands out from the crowd can be difficult. Luckily, the Wileyfox Swift makes the search a bit easier. FULL STORY >


Second trailer for The BFG takes us deeper into Roald Dahl's world

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 April 2016

After releasing a teaser trailer a few months ago, Disney takes us further into Roald Dahl's world with a new full length trailer for The BFG. FULL STORY >


EMC partners with EY, addresses cybersecurity threat

By Ryan Noik 31 March 2016

EMC has entered into a strategic alliance with Ernst and Young, while also launching a new solution to address cybersecurity threats. FULL STORY >


HBO reveals season three trailer for Silicon Valley

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 March 2016

Our favourite tech startup is back for their third season, as HBO debuts the trailer for Silicon Valley. FULL STORY >


Silicon Valley South Africans release app to revolutionise public transport

By Press Release 16 March 2016

Two South African young men, who moved to Silicon Valley, one of the world’s centres of technological excellence in California, have developed an app for public transport navigation. FULL STORY >


What separates the good from the great in SA’s custom software development industry?

By Press Release 9 March 2016

An increasing number of businesses are turning to custom software to improve company processes and drive efficiencies, but before selecting a software development partner, they should look out for certain... FULL STORY >


Sir Richard Branson to ignite the passion of SMBs at Sage Summit 2016

By Staff Writer 9 March 2016

World’s most iconic and passionate entrepreneur to kick-start world’s largest event dedicated to helping SMBs thrive. FULL STORY >


Oculus Rift founder says it will come to Apple if 'they ever release a good computer'

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 4 March 2016

While Oculus Rift remains a Windows PC compatible device for now, the company's founder Palmer Luckey says Apple can join the action if they release a powerful enough Mac computer. FULL STORY >


Teraco: Building Africa’s biggest data centre

By Press Release 29 February 2016

In a build comprising 17 500sqm, Teraco, Africa’s only vendor neutral data centre, will be adding to its existing colocation facility and creating Africa’s largest data centre. FULL STORY >


Bridging the African digital divide through mobility and partnership

By Staff Writer 29 February 2016

The internet has undeniably become the lifeblood of our society, providing essential access to jobs, public services and resources to citizens. Digital services and the internet are likely to be the future of the economy and... FULL STORY >


Huawei reveals MateBook at MWC, but not coming to SA

By Staff Writer 22 February 2016

It wasn’t only Samsung and LG that were busy yesterday at MWC 2016, so was Huawei. The Chinese manufacturer launched the MateBook, a 2-in-1 Windows 10 device aimed at business users and set to take on Microsoft’s Surface. FULL STORY >


Sony unveils accessories and concepts, as good as the smartphones, at MWC 16

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 February 2016

While smartphones for Sony's MWC 16 press conference were certainly on the cards, the company's range of smart accessories surprised many. FULL STORY >


Haxposure: an emerging threat with important implications

By Staff Writer 4 February 2016

This combination of criminal data theft via hacking and public exposure of internal secrets represents an emerging threat, which ESET has dubbed haxposure. FULL STORY >


Microsoft Sculpt ergonomic desktop

By Ryan Noik 27 January 2016

Microsoft has certainly flirted with the concept of ergonomic desktops and split keyboards for quite some time, and the latest result of this dalliance is the Sculpt ergonomic keyboard and mouse. FULL STORY >


The soundtrack from 2014 game Monument Valley gets vinyl LP

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 January 2016

A beautiful mobile game in its own right, Monument Valley has a stellar soundtrack to match. Now, iam8bit has designed an equally beautiful looking vinyl LP to accompany the game. FULL STORY >

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