Connecting the always-mobile bank of the future
By Staff Writer 24 May 2016As a mobile-centric hub, Africa has the capability to approach banking in a whole new manner. In fact, today very few Africans have access to traditional banking accounts. The issue that arises is a lack of infrastructure to support the... FULL STORY >

DFA acquires stake in SADV wholesale open access FTTH business
By Press Release 13 April 2016DFA, South Africa’s leading provider of open-access fibre infrastructure, today announces that it has acquired a significant minority stake in SA Digital Villages (SADV), which has a proven track record in the FTTH market segment FULL STORY >

OpenWeb helps boost fibre
By Press Release 21 October 2015Fibre is fast becoming accessible for more South Africans and OpenWeb has welcomed the price models. In its effort to help boost fibre, OpenWeb has now launched a range of data broadband products that work on Telkom ADSL, VDSL and Fibre FULL STORY >

FibreCo & Teraco say open access is critical for the success of ICT
By Press Release 20 October 2015Cape Town will be home to the third Open Access ICT networking event hosted by Africa’s only vendor neutral data centre, Teraco and independent fibre network operator, FibreCo. FULL STORY >

MTN acquires Smart Village to enhance its foothold in the fibre network space
By Staff Writer 29 September 2015MTN has concluded a deal with MultiChoice to acquire Smart Village, which will accelerate the mobile operator’s fibre to the home (FTTH) strategy to be the provider of choice for high speed fibre network across... FULL STORY >

Fibre as the quantum shift for technology
By Staff Writer 29 September 2015By now, the vast majority of South Africans, be they consumers or business owners, have heard about the fibre revolution that is taking hold of the country. FULL STORY >

Workonline Communications and FibreCo Telecommunications partnership means savings for fibre clients
By Staff Writer 19 August 2015Terrestrial connectivity service provider Workonline Communications has built its success on a combination of highly skilled engineers and strong partnerships with other important network... FULL STORY >

Fibre optic cables for newbies
By Staff Writer 30 July 2015Until not so long ago “fibre” usually referred to the roughage in breakfast cereals that helps move things along one’s digestive tract a little faster. FULL STORY >

All you need is the air that you breathe… and bandwidth
By Staff Writer 17 June 2015Brian Timperley of Turrito Networks predicts that a new round of disruption is due under the twin pressures of fibre rollout to consumers and the growth of international “over the top” (OTT) services like WhatsApp. FULL STORY >

Bridge the copper and fibre gap in your network, inexpensively
By Staff Writer 15 June 2015While many don’t want to admit it, there are those dark recesses of your network that are still copper based, the areas you have left alone for decades because the alternative is to rip it all out and replace it. FULL STORY >

PRASA to leverage existing railway communications network to provide internet for schools
By Staff Writer 8 June 2015The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa to commercialize its fibre optic network to share network connectivity with community. FULL STORY >

Bigger, faster and more capacity with Internet Solutions Fibre
By Staff Writer 24 April 2014The need to accommodate bandwidth intensive communication applications and tools, has become a critical differentiator for most businesses today. Internet Solutions, a pan-African telecommunications provider, has made major... FULL STORY >

m2fx and Mustek Limited meet growing fibre demand with advanced pre-termination plant
By Staff Writer 6 November 2013To meet the needs of the rapidly developing regional broadband market, Mustek today opened a new optical fibre pre-termination facility. Situated in Johannesburg, the new plant will enable Mustek to supply... FULL STORY >

WACS reaches South Africa
By Johan Keyter 19 April 2011The West African Cable System finally landed at Yzerfontein in the Western Cape today, bringing with it increased broadband access. FULL STORY >

CSIR investigating quantum communications
By Johan Keyter 31 March 2011New research being conducted at the CSIR's National Laser Centre is looking into the future of quantum communications. FULL STORY >
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