Gammatek brings robotic Star Wars Stormtroopers by UBTECH to South Africa

By Press Release 20 November 2017

Interactive robot features voice command, facial recognition, sentry patrolling, and AR capabilities. FULL STORY >


iFrogz Boost near-field amplifying speaker

By Hanleigh Daniels 30 October 2012

If you're looking for a way to boost your audio whilst on the go, iFrogz Boost near-field amplifying speaker is right up your alley. FULL STORY >


Moshi Moshi 03i wireless Bluetooth telephone for iPhone

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 September 2011

Local branded technology accessories distributor Gammatek has introduced its contemporary styled telephone accessory for the iPhone to the local market, TechSmart answers the call on the Moshi Moshi 03i for iPhone. FULL STORY >


Gammatek introduces its IDAPT i4 charger

By Hanleigh Daniels 26 July 2011

Local branded technology accessories distributor, Gammatek, introduces the IDAPT i4 to the local gadget market, allowing users to charge multiple devices at the same time. FULL STORY >

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