Facebook IPO accompanied by weirdness and a wedding

By Ryan Noik 21 May 2012

No fewer than five stories revolved around Facebook in the past week, from a bizarre and insensitive photo ban by the site to Zuckerberg's quiet, unexpected wedding. FULL STORY >


Nvidia and Intellectual Ventures beef up their IP portfolio

By Hanleigh Daniels 15 May 2012

Nvidia and Intellectual Ventures have bought the rights to around 500 LTE, LTE advanced, 3G and 4G patents from IPWireless. FULL STORY >


New Kindles may be on their way

By Ryan Noik 15 May 2012

New Kindles may already be in the works, and could find their way to market by as early as July. FULL STORY >


iPad undergoes discrete name change in some regions

By Hanleigh Daniels 14 May 2012

Apple makes a quiet name change to its latest iPad in some countries such as Australia, the US and Canada. FULL STORY >


IDC - Disappointing Q1 2012 for media tablets

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 May 2012

The International Data Corporation releases its latest figures surrounding media tablet shipments worldwide for the first quarter of the year. FULL STORY >


Mobile market declined by 1.5 percent during Q1 2012

By Hanleigh Daniels 2 May 2012

The latest data from the IDCs Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker service shows that Samsung now occupies both the mobile phone- and smartphone vendor thrones. FULL STORY >


Apple reveals fiscal Q2 2012 results

By Hanleigh Daniels 25 April 2012

Apple announces its financial results for the second fiscal quarter of 2012. FULL STORY >


Local pricing for new iPad confirmed

By Ryan Noik 23 April 2012

Local prices for the new iPad, arriving on our shores on the 27th April, have been confirmed. FULL STORY >


Apple vs. ACCC saga continues

By Hanleigh Daniels 18 April 2012

Apple and the Australian consumer watchdog are continuing their legal tussles in court after failing to reach an agreement during a mediation process. FULL STORY >


CISPA whisper raises alarm

By Ryan Noik 16 April 2012

The latest bill raising alarm amongst internet freedom watchdogs is the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which some are concerned may be picking up where SOPA left off. FULL STORY >


New iPad arrives in South Africa on 27 April

By Hanleigh Daniels 16 April 2012

Apple makes the new iPad available in South Africa and eight more countries next Friday. FULL STORY >


Cellphone subscriptions cross billion milestone in China

By Hanleigh Daniels 2 April 2012

China passes the billion mark for mobile phone subscribers as more Chinese users opt for cellphones instead of landlines. FULL STORY >


Australian regulatory body taking Apple to court over new iPad

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 March 2012

Australia's consumer watchdog is taking Apple to court over alleged contravention of the Australian Consumer Law. FULL STORY >


Battery meter on the new iPad charged with lying

By Ryan Noik 27 March 2012

Beyond the heating issue raised earlier this month, yet another new iPad issue has emerged, which centres on the tablets battery indicator falsely reporting a full charge. FULL STORY >


Boogie Board 9.5 inch Rip LCD Writing Tablet

By Hanleigh Daniels 27 March 2012

Students and graphic designers looking to severely cut down on the amount of paper notebooks, notepads, memo pads, and sketch pads they have to log around, can check out the Boogie Board RIP Writing Tablet. FULL STORY >

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