CompTIA - Innovations in technology makes security difficult
By Staff Writer 3 May 2012Innovations in technology that make applications, data and networks more accessible and devices more mobile, are also creating new challenges for information technology IT professionals responsible for cyber-security. FULL STORY >

CompTIA - A look into the local ICT industry
By Staff Writer 9 March 2012CompTIA shares some statistics gathered by the ITWeb team as published in the ITWeb Annual Salary Survey 2011. FULL STORY >

IT - What it means to go green
By Staff Writer 3 February 2012Green IT remains a fuzzy concept for many, with uses of the term and its interpretation varying wildly. FULL STORY >

Get into IT with CompTIA
By Staff Writer 12 January 2012Getting CompTIA certified is the important first step in laying the foundation for your future in information technology. FULL STORY >

CompTIA - Getting formally certified
By Staff Writer 5 September 2011Does getting yourself formally certified actually help? We talk to Ismail Hassim, software and solution support consultant at Smart Office Service, to learn more. FULL STORY >

By Staff Writer 16 August 2011If you want a career in the information technology (IT) sector or simply want to freshen up on your PC skills, the choice of educational institution can be as crucial as the actual selection of your occupation. FULL STORY >

Nancy Hammervik, CompTIA
By Staff Writer 8 July 2011TechSmart managed to track down Nancy Hammervik, senior vice president industry relations at training company CompTIA's head office in the US, to talk about woman in IT. FULL STORY >

How to choose an IT Training Provider
By Staff Writer 9 May 2011The world of PCs fascinates you so much that you want to follow a career in Information Technology or Telecommunications. Where do you start CompTIA helps us with some answers. FULL STORY >
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