
Why your Password is a fail
By Staff Writer 2 June 2015The IT security industry has been warning about the fallibility of passwords for years, yet the situation hasn’t changed. FULL STORY >

Betting the farm on untested tech
By Staff Writer 5 May 2015While a plethora of new payment solutions are coming to market, businesses should be cautious about moving to new solutions just for the sake of it. FULL STORY >

Escalating attacks: POPI regulator could help
By Staff Writer 30 March 2015Fast tracking the appointment of the POPI Information Regulator could help increase disclosure and dialogue around cyber security, says Fortinet. FULL STORY >

Advanced Persistent Attacks and how to deal with them
By Ryan Noik 16 September 2014Fortinet’s Jonas Thulin speaks to TechSmart Business about why Advanced Persistent Threat attacks are not your ordinary intrusions and how enterprises can cope. FULL STORY >
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