Neotel announces Pre Paid pricing
By Tom Manners 11 August 2010Neotel announces Pre Paid pricing FULL STORY >
BackPacker Campack 45L camera bag
By Mike Joubert 5 August 2010South African outdoor gear manufacturer BackPacker's Campack camera and notebook bag is a serious piece of travel equipment. Then again, it's aimed to take care of your serious camera equipment. FULL STORY >

Acer Travelmate 7740G
By Tom Manners 4 August 2010Although the 7740G is a solid notebook in terms of features, it left us feeling a little perplexed as to what Acer was trying to achieve with its design. FULL STORY >

NASA Robonaut 2
By Johan Keyter 3 August 2010NASA is sending their most advanced humanoid robot to space and at the same time is allowing Twitter users to ask it some questions. FULL STORY >

Nokia Siemens Networks buys tech from Motorola
By Hanleigh Daniels 20 July 2010Nokia Siemens Networks aims to cement its place as the second largest company in the global infrastructure segment by snapping up most of Motorola's wireless networks infrastructure assets. FULL STORY >

LG forecasts strong 3D netbook growth
By Tom Manners 19 July 2010South Korean company expects to ship 13.8 million units in 2015 FULL STORY >

Are data laws too lax
By Tom Manners 19 July 2010Is your data really protected The truth may shock you. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up -Courtroom edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 16 July 2010This week in the Tech News Round-up Facebook is due to cross the half a billion user mark, while Hollywood is putting the finishing touches on a movie about the founding of the popular social networking site. FULL STORY >

The top 5 best selling mobile phones of all time
By Johan Keyter 15 July 2010Today the buzz is all about iPhone's and droids, but we take a look at the most successful phones to date, and the findings might surprise you. FULL STORY >

Kinect to support seated play
By Johan Keyter 15 July 2010Good news for lazy gamers, Microsoft reveals that its motion based Kinect system will support seated play. FULL STORY >

Acer reports exponential growth internationally in last decade
By Tom Manners 12 July 2010Acer reports strong growth locally and internationally with a prediction of $20 billion in revenue for 2010 FULL STORY >

Dell Vostro V13
By Tom Manners 9 July 2010Dells Vostro V13 may be a thin beauty, but she won't put a dent on your wallet. FULL STORY >

Bluetooth specification version 4 announced
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 July 2010The formal adoption of the fourth version of Bluetooth has been announced by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group. FULL STORY >

Pakistan steps up internet censorship
By Johan Keyter 29 June 2010Pakistan recently issued orders for 17 websites to be blocked while another seven sites and search engines are to be closely monitored. FULL STORY >

MTN to release mobile assistant in SA
By Tom Manners 23 June 2010MTN announces plans to release the Motorola ES400 locally FULL STORY >
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