HTC updates mid-range offering with announcement of the One A9s
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 1 September 2016One of the more low-key announcements at IFA 2016 so far, HTC debuts an update to the A9: the One A9s. FULL STORY >

HTC's new One A9 smartphone coming to select MTN stores in December
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 25 November 2015HTC's latest device, the One A9 is primed for launch in South Africa, with local carrier MTN being the first to stock it in select stores come December from R10 199. FULL STORY >

HTC's One A9 will receive a $100 price increase after initial launch in the States
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 27 October 2015When HTC unveiled its new One A9 smartphone last week, it was priced at $400. That price will change after the initial launch of the device in the States, with a further $100 added on. FULL STORY >

HTC officially lifts lid on One A9
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 21 October 2015In an unusually short livestream event last night, HTC unveiled its new hero product sporting Android's new Marshmallow (6.0) OS, the One A9. FULL STORY >

Five things we want from HTC's new Marshmallow device
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 20 October 2015Believed to be the new HTC A9, here are five things we want to see in the Taiwanese manufacturer's new Marshmallow-powered device, being unveiled this evening. FULL STORY >
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