Online gaming in 2021: These top 5 games took the world by storm

By Staff Writer 13 December 2021

These are the top five most popular games this year, based on peak concurrent players. FULL STORY >


Game over: Poor password protection leaves online gamers exposed to hack attacks

By Press Release 19 January 2018

According to research from Kaspersky Lab, almost half (42%) of South Africans regularly game online, a figure which rises to 50% for 25-34-year olds and 57% for those aged 16-24. It’s also potentially lucrative... FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - Sleeping Dogs edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 10 February 2012

In this week's Gaming News Round-up: Sony readies for the PS Vita launch by announcing a full list of PSP compatible titles, whilst Square Enix reveals a new dark, gritty title called Sleeping Dogs. FULL STORY >


Kaspersky rAges against cybercrime

By Ryan Noik 27 September 2011

Kaspersky Lab has announced that it will be on hand to provide insight on crucial security to online gaming fans at the upcoming rAge expo. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Smartphone game of thrones edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 29 July 2011

This week in the Tech News Round-up: Samsung eyeballs Apple's place as king of the smartphone OEMs, whilst Qualcomm makes gesture recognition part and partial of its chips. FULL STORY >


Vietnam bans late night online gaming

By Johan Keyter 23 February 2011

The Vietnamese government has announced new measures to impose a curfew on online gamers. FULL STORY >


Google reportedly invests in Zynga

By Hanleigh Daniels 13 July 2010

Google has reportedly invested in Zynga to establish its Google Games platform before the end of the year. FULL STORY >

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