Cybersecurity past and future: What’s come this year and what is coming

By Opinion 19 January 2018

Paul Williams, country manager – Southern Africa at Fortinet, says the best defence against today’s intelligent and automated threats is an integrated, collaborative and highly adaptive security fabric. He shares... FULL STORY >


Millennials, character and an exponential world

By Opinion 17 January 2018

SAP Africa’s digital transformation lead, Paige dos Santos, unpacks the role that millennials will play in driving us into the digital age. FULL STORY >


Team resolutions: 11 tips to uncover passion and potential in new hires

By Opinion 10 January 2018

If there’s one resolution HR departments should make this new year, it should be to transform the onboarding experience for new hires, says sage talent acquisition manager, Michelle Seko. FULL STORY >


Opinion - Integrated, holistic support from ISP’s is essential to meet increased demand for connectivity

By Opinion 15 December 2017

Craig Johnston from Bluekey Seidor explains why ISPs need to treat the growing demand for better connectivity as a matter of urgency. FULL STORY >


Are you Wi-Fi ‘smart’ or ‘connect happy’?

By Opinion 8 December 2017

Are you Wi-Fi smart or do you tend to just connect without second thought, asks Riaan Badenhorst, general manager at Kaspersky Lab Africa. FULL STORY >


Prioritising productivity and profitability in the modern workplace

By Opinion 7 December 2017

While digital transformation may be the most game-changing technology shift happening across businesses today, the process affects, and is driven by people, says Lionel Moyal, Office Business group lead at Microsoft South... FULL STORY >


Preparing your business for the holiday shutdown

By Opinion 6 December 2017

Viresh Harduth from Sage provides a few things that small businesses can do to prepare their business for the rush (or slowdown), so that they start 2018 on a high note. FULL STORY >


2017: the year the board (finally) noticed information security

By Opinion 6 December 2017

Security becomes integral to business ops at the dawn of 2018. FULL STORY >


Wi-Fi to be seen as a 'utility' in 2018 according to Ruckus

By Opinion 6 December 2017

For those that are open to change, coupled with strong ideas, technology is opening up new opportunities and new ways of doing business and Wi-Fi is certainly making its mark, says Ruckus. FULL STORY >


Will the real Influencers please stand up?

By Opinion 5 December 2017

Bradley Elliott, director at digital creative consultancy Platinum Seed looks at the pitfalls of influencer marketing and offers a solution. FULL STORY >


The robots will take our jobs - what next?

By Opinion 29 November 2017

Brad McBean of Aurecon argues that while our jobs may be at risk of being automated, humans will remain an essential ingredient in the future workplace equation. The role of human creativity and ingenuity will keep rising to the top. Creative thinking... FULL STORY >


SME failure rate set to spike unless funding issue is addressed

By Opinion 29 November 2017

According to Lulalend CEO Trevor Gosling, traditional lenders have lost their appetite for short-term unsecured business lending, leaving many SMEs with limited options for accessing much-needed – often life-saving – funding. FULL STORY >


It’s time to change how you think about retail

By Opinion 28 November 2017

Charles Pittaway from Sage provides some of the biggest changes we can expect to see in the retail industry in the coming years. FULL STORY >


The password is king: IoT devices evolve but still prove vulnerable

By Opinion 28 November 2017

In 2015 Kaspersky Lab researchers decided to examine how real the threat behind the Internet of Things (IoT) was. The results were concerning, so two years later they conducted more research into the area. FULL STORY >


Retail Reimagined: on the frontier of enterprise-scale technology

By Opinion 23 November 2017

Paige dos Santos, Digital Transformation lead, SAP Africa about unpacks how retailers use technology to attract and retain customers as we approach Black Friday and the Christmas period. FULL STORY >

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