Top tweets per second counts tallied up for 2011

By Hanleigh Daniels 8 December 2011

Micro-blogging site Twitter provides a round-up of the most tweeted subject matters (in terms of tweets per second) of this year. FULL STORY >


Hot Twitter topics and top hashtags for 2011 released

By Hanleigh Daniels 5 December 2011

Micro-blogging site Twitter has provided a round-up of the most popular discussion topics as well as the top hashtags for the popular social networking site during 2011. FULL STORY >


More Google+ followers for Britney than Larry Page

By Hanleigh Daniels 28 November 2011

Pop star Britney Spears now has more followers on Google's social network, Google+, than the company's co-founder Larry Page. FULL STORY >


Google introduces Google+ Pages for organisations and brands

By Staff Writer 9 November 2011

Search giant Google introduces Google Pages for businesses and brands, to allow organisations to promote themselves on its social network. FULL STORY >


Do not write off PC just yet, says Intel

By Staff Writer 2 November 2011

Intel believes the PC market remains strong and healthy, in spite of massive growth in the tablet PC and smartphone sectors. FULL STORY >


Social media being embraced by South Africans

By Ryan Noik 26 October 2011

South Africans have embraced social media as a core pillar of internet activity according to a new study released today. FULL STORY >


Virtual goods bring in 3 billion dollars in revenue

By Ryan Noik 26 October 2011

Virtual goods are bringing in big money, and this is expected to grow within the next five years. FULL STORY >


PC Tools predicts new breeds of social media cyber scams

By Staff Writer 14 October 2011

Web security company PC Tools warns about the prevailing social media scams and security threats that has emerged due to the rise of social networking. FULL STORY >


Gaming News Round-up - NFS The Run edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 23 September 2011

In this week's Gaming News Round-up: the first trailer for the forthcoming Need for Speed The Run is released, with the Diablo III launch window and first NCIS-based game also announced. FULL STORY >


Facebook launches Subscribe button

By Ryan Noik 15 September 2011

Facebook has introduced a new Subscribe feature to further fine tune newsfeeds. FULL STORY >


Nielsen releases report on impact of social media

By Ryan Noik 14 September 2011

Global information and measurement company Nielsen released a report this week on the impact of social media. FULL STORY >


Twitter grows to 100 million users

By Ryan Noik 9 September 2011

Twitter provides the latest figures for how many active users it enjoys, and reports notable growth. FULL STORY >


Facebook makes sweeping privacy changes

By Ryan Noik 25 August 2011

Facebook has implemented a number of broad and sweeping features that should give users greater control of what content is visible on their account. FULL STORY >


Konami reveals the face of PES 2012

By Hanleigh Daniels 19 August 2011

Japanese games developer and publisher Konami unveils its football ambassador who will serve as the face of PES 2012. FULL STORY >


PlayStation Vita will include social media apps

By Ryan Noik 17 August 2011

Sony has announced that its forthcoming new portable console will have dedicated apps for social media networks. FULL STORY >

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