First out the gate: Smart tech’s competitive advantage

By Press Release 4 August 2016

Keith Fenner, vice president at Sage X3 International, says smart technology is reshaping all industries thanks to an increasing number of devices that are connected to the internet and are able to transmit information. FULL STORY >


Why CRM and ERP are better together

By Staff Writer 8 July 2015

Every growing mid-sized enterprise needs to put in place business systems that help it streamline business processes, gain visibility into its operations, and enhance productivity. FULL STORY >


Mobile technology puts African business owners in the driving seat

By Staff Writer 3 July 2015

With smartphone penetration ramping up across Africa, the continent’s businesses have an opportunity to use mobile technology to become more efficient, productive, and responsive in the way they do business FULL STORY >


ERP solutions can help schools and universities power better outcomes for their students

By Staff Writer 18 June 2015

Facing growing demand for education as well as rising cost pressures, universities and schools should be looking at modernising their business systems to streamline administration, improve financial... FULL STORY >


Integration of Sage ERP X3 with Sage CRM provides customer-centric view across entire business

By Staff Writer 2 March 2015

Sage ERP Africa, a leading provider of business management software and services to small and medium-sized businesses, has announced integration between Sage CRM and Sage ERP X3. FULL STORY >

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Innovative Artificial Intelligence solutions (28 votes)
Biotechnology or medical advancements (22 votes)
Better business applications (133 votes)