South Africa is well positioned to accelerate its move to smart cities. Here's how…

By Industry Contributor 21 November 2022

By Jan Bouwer, Chief of Digital Platform Solutions at BCX FULL STORY >


Waterfall City: model for the future of South Africa’s smartest cities

By Ryan Noik 27 October 2022

Following a comprehensive tour of Waterfall City, Ryan Noik spoke to Willie Vos, the CEO of Waterfall Management Company, to find out how the newly rebranded area is using technology to become an advanced city for... FULL STORY >


Fibre has laid the foundation for a smarter SA, now it’s up to the users

By Industry Contributor 4 July 2022

The start of the digital evolution has been ignited by the laying of many thousands of kilometres of fibre around the country, but it’s now up to end-users to drive innovation on top of that layer, argues Shane... FULL STORY >


Adapting African cities for a better, safer life

By Staff Writer 9 November 2021

While many have focused on data analysis and its security at an organisational level, it is even more imperative for the realisation of smarter and more sustainable cities capable of providing citizens with a better, safer lifestyle. FULL STORY >


Here's how to derive value for safe, smart cities

By Industry Contributor 16 February 2021

Leona Mentz from BT explains how mobile adoption has spurred on the transformation from major cities into smart cities, and what it portends for the lives of citizens. FULL STORY >


SA needs smart cities but not in the way you think

By Industry Contributor 15 July 2019

Mo Areff, Business Unit Lead - Customer Engagement at Altron Karabina, offers a different perspective on the drive to create smart cities. FULL STORY >


Opinion - The battle for campus connectivity: what can we learn from smart cities?

By Industry Contributor 14 June 2019

How are universities akin to townships? And what do smart cities projects have to offer both in the quest for ubiquitous connectivity? Aruba answers both questions and more. FULL STORY >


Future cities, what’s the rush?

By Opinion 30 July 2018

by LG Electronics SA Managing Director, CY Kim. FULL STORY >


Smart City era promises big improvement for Urban Ecosystems

By Press Release 29 June 2018

Connected technology is ushering in a new era of “Smart Cities”, which promises to improve the quality of life for billions of people around the world. FULL STORY >


African cities at the forefront of smart city growth

By Opinion 7 May 2018

Wael Youssef of Orange Business Services looks at why and how African cities are positioned to be at the forefront of the growth of smart cities in coming years. FULL STORY >


Tomorrow’s smart cities will need equally smart utilities

By Opinion 18 April 2018

In light of Africa Utility Week 2018 taking place in Cape Town next month, Hannes Venter, industry advisor for utilities at SAP Africa, details the importance of prioritising digital transformation within the utilities sector. FULL STORY >


Smart Cities: Tapping into Innovation Networks

By Opinion 11 April 2018

What makes a city smart? Its ability to make people’s lives easier, within the limits of urban design. FULL STORY >


Interview with Ruckus Part 1: A Transforming World

By Ryan Noik 26 January 2018

TechSmart’s senior journalist Ryan Noik (RN) had the opportunity to delve into the current economic and technological shift that digital transformation has caused, in an indepth and enlightening interview with Nick Watson (NW), the vice... FULL STORY >


ETELM showcases the latest solutions required for safe cities at mission critical Africa

By Press Release 7 November 2017

The company’s solutions are currently designed to meet the growing demand for safe cities across the continent. FULL STORY >


Smart cities need smart solutions for critical communications and security says ETELM

By Opinion 25 October 2017

Smart cities are on the rise around the world - an opportunity to integrate advanced Critical Communications infrastructures, says ETELM director. FULL STORY >

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