Game Stores and Uber Eats working together for online deliveries

By Staff Writer 12 May 2020

A new partnership between Game Stores and Uber Eats will allow customers to order Game products online, and have them delivered to their doorstep. FULL STORY >


Microsoft said to have plans for Amazon GO-esque cashier-less stores

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 14 June 2018

Taking a page out of Amazon's playbook, Microsoft is reportedly looking at opening up cashier-less stores in the US. FULL STORY >


Gartner - Three mobile services to keep an eye on

By Staff Writer 11 October 2012

Mobile social networks, mobile applications stores and location-based services will be three of the highest value mobile services to reach widespread adoption in the next two years according to Gartner. FULL STORY >

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