Telkom Mobile launches lowest prepaid offer in South Africa

By Hanleigh Daniels 11 July 2013

Telkom Mobile announces its new SIM-SONKE prepaid per second tariff plan that offers best-in-town value for mobile users. FULL STORY >


Telkom Mobile launches as new high-quality network

By Hanleigh Daniels 19 March 2013

Telkom launches Telkom Mobile, a new network aimed at data hungry users that also make plenty of voice calls. FULL STORY >


8.ta cuts broadband pricing for new and existing subscribers

By Staff Writer 11 January 2012

The year is off to a good start for those looking for mobile broadband, with 8.ta announcing reduced broadband rates for its Once-Off Internet packages as well as its Post-paid Internet packages. FULL STORY >


Telkom launches 8ta

By Tom Manners 15 October 2010

Telkom plans to hit the cellular market hard with low tarrifs. FULL STORY >

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