Linkin Park to feature on EA game soundtrack
By Hanleigh Daniels 28 July 2010The rock band Linkin Park is joining forces with EA to provide a soundtrack to accompany the rocking action of the upcoming Medal of Honor game. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up -Antennagate saga carries on
By Hanleigh Daniels 23 July 2010This week in the Tech News Round-up: Apple's magical iPad goes plane hopping to nine new places, while the Antennagate narrative continues but the Nexus One web store doesn't. FULL STORY >

More woes for the iPhone 4
By Johan Keyter 19 July 2010Apple announces it will give free cases to more than 3 million iPhone 4 customers. FULL STORY >

MTN announced proposed BBBEE deal
By Hanleigh Daniels 19 July 2010MTN has unveiled a new proposed BEE deal which will go through next month. FULL STORY >

Uncapped ADSL pricing comparison
By Tom Manners 16 July 2010Which local ISP offers the best bang for your buck? FULL STORY >

Kinect to support seated play
By Johan Keyter 15 July 2010Good news for lazy gamers, Microsoft reveals that its motion based Kinect system will support seated play. FULL STORY >

Premiumsun Face Case
By Hanleigh Daniels 15 July 2010Now you can change your PC tower's front cover to suit your mood using Premiumsun's Face Case. FULL STORY >

Tech News Round-up -Symbian three goes public
By Hanleigh Daniels 9 July 2010This week in the Tech News Round-up the first public release of Symbian^3 sees the light of day while BlackBerry smartphones' email functionality is being integrated into yet another vehicle manufacturer's multimedia system. FULL STORY >

SciNews July 2010
By Linda Pretorius 8 July 2010This month we take a look at why acupuncture works, how sharks smell and the science behind bubbles. FULL STORY >

Keeping your data safe
By Johan Keyter 7 July 2010We take an in-depth look at how hard drives work and how best to take care of your data. FULL STORY >

Samsung Galaxy S2 rumours
By Hanleigh Daniels 6 July 2010Specs of the next version of Samsung's Galaxy S smartphone have been reportedly leaked via a Russian website. FULL STORY >

Samsung Wave
By Mike Joubert 6 July 2010Now at last the Wave, Samsung's first bada driven smartphone, has arrived on our shores. FULL STORY >

Graphene the miracle material
By Johan Keyter 2 July 2010Rolling up your computer and carrying it under your arm sounds like a great concept, and thanks to graphene, it may not be that long until it's reality. FULL STORY >

A buyers guide to LCD monitors
By Tom Manners 2 July 2010What you need to consider before purchasing your next display FULL STORY >

Samsung to release Android powered Acclaim handset
By Tom Manners 29 June 2010Samsungs Acclaim will offer users an affordable yet competitive Android handset FULL STORY >
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