Gaming News Round-up - EUFA EURO 2012 edition
By Staff Writer 30 March 2012In gaming this week: Euro 2012 will be coming to FIFA 12 via DLC, the FBI has its eyes set on games and new Forza Motorsport 4 DLC on the way. FULL STORY >

Gaming News Round-up - part 2 - The Good with the Bad Edition
By Ryan Noik 9 March 2012In part 2 of this week's Gaming News Round-up: Mass Effect 3 apparently falters on the PS3, Sorcery is given a firmer release date, and new DLC is announced for Uncharted 3. FULL STORY >

Uncharted 3 Drakes Deception
By Ryan Noik 24 November 2011Uncharted 3 is a jaw-dropping action adventure that we couldn't wait to start playing and that doesn't disappoint, standing out as one of this year's best games. FULL STORY >

Gaming News Round-up - Game of Thrones edition
By Hanleigh Daniels 11 November 2011In this week's Gaming News Round-up, a trio of Game of Throne games will be making their way to your console or PC in 2012, whilst Ubisoft lines up yet another Assassin's Creed game for 2012. FULL STORY >

New report details most highly anticipated games
By Ryan Noik 3 October 2011Global information and measurement company Nielsen has released its Top 20 Games to Watch report that tracks what gamers are most excited about this holiday season. FULL STORY >

Gaming news round up - 15 July 2011
By Ryan Noik 15 July 2011This week's roundup reveals another extension to the Uncharted 3 multi-player beta, the announcement of a Monkey Island Special Edition collection and several reasons to look forward to September. FULL STORY >

Spike TV Video Game Awards lowdown
By Johan Keyter 13 December 2010We bring you the most important new releases and award winners from the recently held Spike TV Video Game Awards. FULL STORY >

Gaming news round-up - The Blizzard leak edition
By Johan Keyter 10 December 2010In this week's gaming news round-up we pore over purported Blizzard leaks, catch up with Nathan Drake's latest adventure and savour a brand new Deus Ex trailer. FULL STORY >

Fake Uncharted 3 screens hit the internet
By Johan Keyter 25 October 2010Bogus screenshots for Uncharted 3 cause a ruckus online as gamers cry out for more. FULL STORY >
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