Gaming news round up - 15 July 2011

By Ryan Noik 15 July 2011

This week's roundup reveals another extension to the Uncharted 3 multi-player beta, the announcement of a Monkey Island Special Edition collection and several reasons to look forward to September. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - 20 May 2011

By Johan Keyter 20 May 2011

In this week's gaming news round-up we welcome two great new releases to the gaming world, check out Ubisoft and Mojang's future ideas as well as speculating about Bungie's next title, an MMOFPS? FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The handheld edition

By Johan Keyter 28 January 2011

In this week's gaming news roundup we welcome Sony's next handheld to the party as well as checking out some mighty impressive games for the device, 2011 looks set to be the year of the handheld. FULL STORY >


Spike TV Video Game Awards lowdown

By Johan Keyter 13 December 2010

We bring you the most important new releases and award winners from the recently held Spike TV Video Game Awards. FULL STORY >


Gaming news round-up - The Blizzard leak edition

By Johan Keyter 10 December 2010

In this week's gaming news round-up we pore over purported Blizzard leaks, catch up with Nathan Drake's latest adventure and savour a brand new Deus Ex trailer. FULL STORY >


Uncharted to star Mark Wahlberg

By Christo Myburgh 25 November 2010

PlayStation 3 action-adventure game Uncharted will be made into a movie. Actor Mark Wahlberg to play the lead role of Nathan Drake. FULL STORY >


Fake Uncharted 3 screens hit the internet

By Johan Keyter 25 October 2010

Bogus screenshots for Uncharted 3 cause a ruckus online as gamers cry out for more. FULL STORY >


Uncharted 2 Among Thieves

By Thomas McKinnon 6 November 2009

With a solid storyline, impressive gameplay and outstanding graphics, Uncharted 2 is a serious contender for the next PS3 game of the year title. FULL STORY >

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