
New WhatApp features provides control over Group Chats
By Staff Writer 2 July 2018If you've ever tried to create a WhatsApp group for work purposes, intended solely to get information out, you know that it soon descends into a cacophony of chatter. FULL STORY >

WhatsApp reportedly does not fully remove deleted chats
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 29 July 2016According to iOS researcher Jonathan Zdziarski the Instant Messaging app's software retains and stores forensic traces of deleted chats. FULL STORY >

Xbox One February update brings plenty of gaming love
By Robin-Leigh Chetty 6 February 2015Got no one to snuggle up with come Valentine's Day? Well Microsoft has just rolled out an Xbox One update to enhance its game hubs and party chat features to keep you covered. FULL STORY >
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