Microsoft banned from selling Word in the US
By Hanleigh Daniels 23 December 2009Microsoft must pay a penalty for infringing upon copyright in its popular Word 2007 software and must stop selling the software by January 2010 in the US. FULL STORY >

Finding legal images online
By Thomas McKinnon 10 July 2009Google have now taken steps to make identifying licensed images on its Image Search a little easier. FULL STORY >

Creative Commons
By Mike Joubert 2 July 2009Thanks to the PC and the Net many people are turning their backs on the old ÔÇ£all rights reservedÔÇØ paradigm and ?¡embracing Creative Commons. FULL STORY >

Illegal downloads cost US woman 2 million dollars
By Thomas McKinnon 19 June 2009US jury returned a verdict against Thomas-Rasset yesterday ordering her to pay some $80 000 in damages per track for downloading 24 tracks illegally. FULL STORY >

P2P file-sharing
By Thomas McKinnon 12 June 2009If youÔÇÖve ever used LimeWire or a BitTorrent site then youÔÇÖve engaged in file-sharing, and according to some youÔÇÖre liable for prosecution. Moving beyond the legal realm, file-sharing is also an ethical issue. So we put it to you; is P2P file-sharing right or wrong? FULL STORY >
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