Facebook makes sweeping privacy changes

By Ryan Noik 25 August 2011

Facebook has implemented a number of broad and sweeping features that should give users greater control of what content is visible on their account. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Googorola edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 19 August 2011

This week in the Tech News Round-up: Android OEMs and competitors chip in on Google's Motorola Mobility purchase while Nokia plans big MWC 2012 showcase. FULL STORY >


Google Reader receives some Honeycomb treatment

By Ryan Noik 18 August 2011

Finally, Google's Reader has received a Honeycomb update that caters to large tablets. FULL STORY >


The Big Issue - The Google Plus social network

By Ryan Noik 16 August 2011

The launch of Google Plus had pundits, tech analysts and users scratching their head over what exactly it is. FULL STORY >


Foursquare launches Lists

By Ryan Noik 16 August 2011

Foursquare is the latest social media site to launch a new feature, which aims to enable users to more effectively create lists of their favourite places. FULL STORY >


Google+ gaming goes live

By Ryan Noik 15 August 2011

Google has fired its next salvo in the competition against reigning social network king, Facebook, by adding games to its feature list. FULL STORY >


Google to acquire Motorola Mobility

By Hanleigh Daniels 15 August 2011

Search giant Google's next major acquisition is Android smartphone and tablet maker Motorola Mobility. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - Ice Cream Sandwich edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 12 August 2011

Pics of an Ice Cream Sandwich-powered Nexus S is liberated from Google's OS freezer ahead of time in this week's Tech News Round-up, whilst Google now sports games. FULL STORY >


Google+ simplifies invites process

By Ryan Noik 8 August 2011

Google+ has implemented a new feature, aimed at making it easier to invite friends by sending them a link. FULL STORY >


Google vs. Microsoft, Apple and co.

By Hanleigh Daniels 5 August 2011

The public relations mudslinging kicks off as Google pulls a Noam Chomsky, claiming the existence of a sinister patent conspiracy against Android. FULL STORY >


LinkedIn grows to 115 million

By Ryan Noik 5 August 2011

Like Google+, professional networking site, LinkedIn is also growing at an unprecedented rate. FULL STORY >


Tech News Round-up - 3D sans glasses edition

By Hanleigh Daniels 5 August 2011

This week in the Tech News Round-up, Sony Ericsson is reportedly tinkering away on a 3D smartphone, whilst the Kodak vs. Apple & RIM trial hits a snag. FULL STORY >


Google releases latest Android distribution figures

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 August 2011

Search giant Google makes the latest Android version distribution figures available, showing which version of the ultra popular mobile operating system is the most popular amongst users. FULL STORY >


Google updates Gmail for mobile

By Hanleigh Daniels 4 August 2011

Search giant Google updates Gmail for mobile to support the iPhone 4's Retina Display, and also bring about some other improvements. FULL STORY >


Google opens Gmail calling to international users

By Ryan Noik 3 August 2011

Gmail calling is opened up to the international market, and we find it offers a clear, easy experience. FULL STORY >

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