iPhone 3G iOS4 fix promised soon

By Johan Keyter 24 August 2010

Apple has announced that it is working on an update to fix iPhone 3G users' incompatibility with iOS4. FULL STORY >


BMW shows Apple some love

By Mike Joubert 8 July 2010

BMW Group today announced support for the new iPod Out feature in iOS4, the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system. FULL STORY >


Apple iOS4 leaves iPhone 3G owners in the dust

By Tom Manners 22 June 2010

Older iPhone models do not have access to key elements of iOS4 FULL STORY >


Multitasking TomTom app for iPhone announced

By Hanleigh Daniels 9 June 2010

Multitasking functionality is coming to the iPhone 4 and 3G S with iOS4, and Dutch navigation company TomTom is already busy integrating this functionality with the next version of their TomTom app. FULL STORY >

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