Machine Learning is here - Why not reap the benefits?

By Press Release 14 March 2018

Google’s recent announcement that its Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning courses will be made available to the general public free of charge highlights the rapid pace at which machine learning is becoming a part of everyday... FULL STORY >


Get a range of AI and machine learning programming books for cheap

By Staff Writer 13 March 2018

The A.I. Bundle by publisher Packt is kind of a big deal, offering a number of titles related to machine learning and AI programming. FULL STORY >


Acer CloudProfessor to promote digital education solutions

By Press Release 6 March 2018

Acer Africa is committed to making future technology available to everyone hence it’s introduced the BYOC CloudProfessor – Learn to Code. Code to Create. FULL STORY >


Opinion - Machine Learning can be accelerated with Amazon SageMaker

By Opinion 2 March 2018

Applications based on machine learning (ML) can provide tremendous business value, but building such apps are not without challenges. Amazon's CTO, Werner Vogels, explains. FULL STORY >


Make the most of your money with AI and machine learning

By Opinion 5 February 2018

Bradley Elliott, director at digital creative consultancy Platinum Seed looks at what artificial intelligence can offer personal finance, as well as some of the risks. FULL STORY >


Citrix 2018 Prediction Series Part 2: Rise of AI

By Ryan Noik 19 January 2018

Following on from the first Citrix prediction for 2018,the second prediction for this year’s technology landscape focuses on the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. FULL STORY >


Google Lens coming to Pixel phones via Assistant in next few weeks

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 22 November 2017

The company's AI photography tool is making its way to Pixel and Pixel 2 phones in coming weeks, and will be available via Google Assistant. FULL STORY >


Machine learning predicts both human and technology behaviour

By Press Release 14 November 2017

“Humans have long been adept at analysing information received. Now imagine the power of a machine to breathe in data, study it, learn from it and exhale an accurate solution – that’s machine learning. FULL STORY >


Yours for free! 600 courses from 200 top Universities

By Staff Writer 10 November 2017

For those for whom learning is the only reward, it will be worthwhile to check out the 600 new courses available online from 200 universities across the globe. FULL STORY >


BCX launches a free digital learning platform

By Press Release 6 November 2017

BCX has launched a new digital learning platform designed to push South African education into the digital future by providing free access to online educational content. FULL STORY >


Dimension Data reveals key technologies reshaping businesses in 2018

By Press Release 3 November 2017

Amid Dimension Data's release of the top IT predictions for the forthcoming year, it is Blockchain that is considered the disruptor to watch out for. FULL STORY >


Solar power used to enable Learning Labs

By Ryan Noik 24 October 2017

The recent launch of Dell’s Learning Labs in Diepsloot combines renewable energy, community involvement and an innovative approach to bringing technology to disadvantaged areas. FULL STORY >


Intel's new Nervana AI processors are built for deep learning

By Robin-Leigh Chetty 18 October 2017

Designed specifically for use in the field of AI, Intel debuts its new Nervana Neural Network of processors. FULL STORY >


Oracle debuts revolutionary new Machine Learning applications at Oracle OpenWorld 2017

By Press Release 2 October 2017

Oracle Executive Chairman and CTO Larry Ellison unveiled revolutionary new machine learning applications for database and cyber security in the opening keynote presentation at Oracle OpenWorld 2017 in San... FULL STORY >


Amazon insight - How companies can benefit from the advance of machine learning

By Opinion 7 September 2017

Werner Vogels, the CTO of Amazon.com, explains what the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning can offer businesses. FULL STORY >

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