Amazon research award for SU computer science student

By Press Release 25 May 2021

Mr David Baker Effendi, an MSc-student in Computer Sciences at Stellenbosch University (SU), has received an Amazon Research Award based on his innovative research in program analysis with applications in bug-finding and cybersecurity. FULL STORY >


Know your labels: SANEDI encourages consumers to look out for energy efficiency labels on appliances

By Press Release 25 May 2021

In an effort to mitigate climate change and help move South Africa towards being a more energy-efficient nation, the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI) encourages every... FULL STORY >


Uber releases Fifth Annual Lost & Found Index and it’s stranger than ever

By Staff Writer 20 May 2021

From Cellphones, keys and backpacks to teeth - these are the common and not so common things that people are leaving behind in their Uber rides. FULL STORY >


Autopilot Workflow Solutions is now available in Microsoft Azure Marketplace

By Press Release 18 May 2021

Microsoft Azure customers worldwide can now gain access to the Autopilot Vendor onboarding Solution to take advantage of the scalability, reliability and agility of Azure to drive application development and shape... FULL STORY >


Do people use digital media as much as they think they do?

By Staff Writer 18 May 2021

Self-reported media use does not accurately reflect objective measures of device-logged media use. FULL STORY >


Crosscall proves tough enough for French National Gendarmerie and French National Police

By Staff Writer 30 April 2021

Crosscall has confirmed that it has won a bid to supply the French National Gendarme and National Police with mobile devices that meet their intense usage requirements. FULL STORY >


Tapping into technology to drive the sustainability of SA’s agriculture industry

By Staff Writer 22 April 2021

Agriculture’s role as a critical sector, driving growth and job creation in the South African economy has come back under the spotlight, particularly as the world marks Earth Day, and other industries continue... FULL STORY >


Iron Mountain: Responsibly disposing data to help restore the planet

By Ryan Noik 22 April 2021

With today marking Global Earth Day, Iron Mountain looks more closely at how paper based waste, documents and storage can be responsibly destroyed to minimize harm to the environment. FULL STORY >


Cryptominer targeted vulnerable Exchange servers

By Press Release 19 April 2021

IT security company Sophos has previously reported on attacks by DearCry and Black Kingdom ransomware. FULL STORY >


Ultra-fast, and responsive – first details of Canon EOS R3 revealed

By Press Release 14 April 2021

Today, with the news of three new innovative RF lens and a new file sharing app, Canon Inc. announces the development of EOS R3 FULL STORY >


Increase in ransomware attacks on SA companies, says Nclose

By Staff Writer 13 April 2021

South Africa is firmly in the sights of international cybercrime syndicates, who have been ramping up their attacks on local companies in the past six months, warns Nclose. FULL STORY >


Accurate quantification of cell dynamics possible with new software tool

By Staff Writer 1 April 2021

Engineers and scientists from Stellenbosch University have developed a visualisation tool that can automatically localise and quantify specific cellular processes such as mitochondrial fission and fusion – and that in... FULL STORY >


What does the future of working from the office look like post COVID-19?

By Industry Contributor 17 March 2021

By Ulrich Stark, Director at WizzPass FULL STORY >


South Africans want to stay in SA, according to Global Workforce Study

By Staff Writer 5 March 2021

South Africans are less willing to relocate to a new country than they were in previous years, but open to virtual mobility, according to a new study. FULL STORY >


Canon launches EOS M50 Mark II as social content creation continues to soar

By Press Release 26 February 2021

Create standout content with this versatile mirrorless camera, packed with smart features and stunning image quality. FULL STORY >

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