ESET: 5 things you can monitor with your parental control tool

By Press Release 29 February 2016

One of the biggest concerns parents have about the internet is the kind of websites their children are browsing and the content they may be viewing. In fact, according to an ESET survey, nine out of ten parents are worried about... FULL STORY >


Virus safe and secure July

By Staff Writer 9 July 2010

Ensuring that you and your family stay protected involves more than just installing an antivirus solution, as you have to look at a more comprehensive internet security program that integrates some parental control functionality. FULL STORY >


XDSL Family ADSL Packages

By Thomas McKinnon 3 September 2008

The ease with which ?ˇchildren can access x-rated content is ?ˇstartling. For this reason it is ?ˇimportant that ISPs share the responsibility by offering packages that meet the ?ˇconnectivity needs of the ?ˇaverage family while negating some of the content risks. FULL STORY >

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