Local IT spending to reach R150 billion by 2016
By Hanleigh Daniels 1 November 2012IDC investigates IT spending within the South Africa. FULL STORY >

IDC - smartphones shipment boost mobile phone market
By Hanleigh Daniels 29 October 2012IDC presents its latest figures surrounding smartphone and mobile phone shipments during Q3 2012. FULL STORY >

Strategy Analytics - 1 billion smartphones in use globally
By Hanleigh Daniels 17 October 2012Strategy Analytics latest research reveals that there are now more than a billion smartphone users around the globe. FULL STORY >

Baumgartner freefall breaks YouTube viewing record
By Hanleigh Daniels 16 October 2012Felix Baumgartners record breaking skydive jump also shattered a viewership record for YouTube. FULL STORY >

ITU releases latest global technology development figures
By Hanleigh Daniels 15 October 2012The ITU makes its latest worldwide technology development stats available. FULL STORY >

ITU - ICT services are coming down
By Hanleigh Daniels 15 October 2012The ITU finds that the price of Information Communication Technology services globally have decreased by 30% between 2008 and 2011. FULL STORY >

IDC - PC market struggles ahead of Windows 8 launch
By Hanleigh Daniels 12 October 2012The IDC presents its latest figures surrounding global PC shipments during Q3 2012. FULL STORY >

StatCounter - Chrome still in lead of global browser market
By Hanleigh Daniels 8 October 2012StatCounter delivers its latest figures concerning the total global browser usage shares of the world's most popular desktop browsers. FULL STORY >

Google acquires net-based malware tool VirusTotal
By Hanleigh Daniels 12 September 2012Google's latest acquisition is internet-based malware scanning company VirusTotal. FULL STORY >

StatCounter - Chrome takes a third of browser market
By Hanleigh Daniels 7 August 2012Google's Chrome expands its lead over IE according to Statcounter. FULL STORY >

Google reveals latest stats on Android, Chrome and Play Store
By Hanleigh Daniels 29 June 2012Google announces the latest figures surrounding Android, Chrome and its Play Store application front. FULL STORY >

iPhone generates 150 billion dollars of revenues since launch
By Hanleigh Daniels 28 June 2012According to Strategy Analytics, Apple managed to generate $150 billion worth of revenue from its iPhone business since its launch in 2007. FULL STORY >

900 000 Android mobile devices activated daily
By Hanleigh Daniels 11 June 2012Head of Android at Google, Andy Rubin, provides the latest activation figures for the mobile OS, while denying rumours that he's leaving the search giant. FULL STORY >

Kaspersky Lab - junk mail gathers pace in the US
By Staff Writer 22 May 2012Kaspersky Lab analyses trends in worldwide spam for the month of April 2012. FULL STORY >

IDC - Almost a billion smart connected devices shipped in 2011
By Hanleigh Daniels 29 March 2012Market research firm IDC announced that smart connected device shipments during 2011 amounted to nearly one billion. FULL STORY >
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