Spotify details where, and how, the force is strongest with Star Wars streaming

By Ryan Noik 18 December 2019

As fans gear up for the much-anticipated December 20th release of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Spotify has revealed how it has engaged Star Wars mania on its music streaming platform. FULL STORY >


Spotify introduces Spotify Lite for older devices

By Staff Writer 9 July 2019

Not everyone has the latest and greatest smartphone at their disposal, and in recognition of this fact, Spotify has introduced Spotify Lite, a version of the popular streaming music platform that works on older devices and operating systems. FULL STORY >


Microsoft launches Xbox Music

By Ryan Noik 16 October 2012

Microsoft has unveiled, and is set to launch, its new Xbox Music service, which will begin rolling out worldwide from today. FULL STORY >

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